Your best skill must be included in your resume to Grab special attention in the hiring process. Here are the best skills to put on resume for any job.
Best Skills to Put on Resume for Any Job
Writing a good resume is very essential to get the job opportunity. The resume must be short and very clear and also include your best quality information to make a last impression.
Sometimes it is challenging and bit tricky to write skill section, and listing your skills. You should properly mention your skill, while also making a good balance. You must know whether you are mentioning the necessary skill for the job or you are just giving the hiring manager to irrelevant information.
In the article will help you to know the best skills to put on resume, which will help you to make a good resume for all job. The skill section of your resume must show your abilities which is required for the job role to Grab the attention of your hiding manager.

Skills for Resume
The important part of your good resume is the skill section, where you have to showcase your abilities and attributes that make you the ideal candidate for the job. But what best skill to put on your resume to stand out to recruiters?
Typically there are two types of skills:
- Hard skills
- Soft Skills
If you wish to create an effective resume that grabs the attention of the hiring manager then you need to mention both hard skill and soft skills.
As per research recruits spend 6 seconds on a resume. So applicants had a great opportunity to add the best skills in resumes.
Hard Skills
Hard skills are specific technical abilities learned through your training or experience, or education. Hard skills can be learnt through education, training like courses and certification and on job experience. Here are the some example of heart skills to put on your resume.
Hard skills to put on resume
- Machinery skills: Operating specialized machinery or equipment is required in some field. Like maintaining and cleaning equipments.
- Data analysis: Data analysis skill is in demand skill in 2025, the hiring manager of businesses generally looking for data analysis professionals to help them in strategic decision.
- Cyber security: The cyber security professionals must poses a rich and diverse skill in networking and system administration, network security control Malware prevention and detection and more.
- Foreign Language Skills: Applicants must be able to communicate in more than one language. Some of the most demanding language includes English, German, Chinese, Spanish and Arabic.
- Marketing: Being able to know their customer and market, managing large workload, and more.
- Mathematics: If you want to apply for specific field like research assistant you must know mathematical skills like statistics, trigonometry, calculus etc.
- Computer skills: In almost all jobs will require some basic computer knowledge in MS Office, emailing and presentation.
- Negotiation: jobs like selling products, purchasing stock or merchandise, brokering deals for production and transportation, service centres looking for the candidate who is good in negotiation skills.
- Writing skill: most of the job looking for candidate having writing skills. You must have a basic writing ability. The writing skill is very important and an absolute skills to put on resume.
- Designing skills: designing skills are very high demand in market, companies need for polished design worker for multimedia, website layout, graphic designs and more.
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Soft Skills
Soft skills are interpersonal and character traits that help you work effectively with other. Soft skills are the ability that can be applied in any job. Check the example for best soft skills to put on resume for any job.
Soft skills to put on resume
- Communication Skills: whether it is written of verbal you must been clear and able to communicate with your boss, coworker, and customer in all situation. The hiring manager look for candidate who can interact with different customers.
- Adaptability: being able to adjust to the new situation, challenges or Technology with ease.
- Problem-solving Skills: every job have some challenges and problems and employed must be capable to solve the problem quickly and effectively.
- Teamwork: teamwork is important soft skill in various jobs. The employers wants to know that how effectively you can work in a team. In your resume ensure that you should describe yourself as a team member but providing examples like how successfully you are worked together in seminar, Course work.
- Creativity: all businesses grow on the basis of new idea and new approaches to the old problems. The manager look for the candidate who is creative thinker.
- Leadership: the employees wants candidates who is able to inspire and motivate others, and make decisions and act with integrity, fairness and a strategic mindset. Highlight work history and achievements that show you can lead on your resume.
- Active listener: Ensure that you follow all instructions in order to complete your work. In any job paying attention to details is needed.
- Multitasking: managing multiple works or project in organised way.
- Critical thinking: employees wants to their employed to think through a problem or project and proceed with the best step needed. The critical thinkers always come up with new and better ways to work.
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How to List Skills to Put on Resume
Writing a resume in organised way is very essential which makes resume easy to read.
Now a day companies using ATS (Application Tracking System) to help them in selecting more than 1000 resume in a day. The ATS software scans resume for keywords which is relevant to the job you are applying. If Etios does not find the related keywords then it reject your resume.
1. Short Skills by Relevance
An effective resume must contain the skills relevant to the job. Thoroughly Read the job description for better understanding of what the employer is looking for, write down all the key skills and dead experience you have, and ensure the skills to put on resume.
For example, if you were a mechanic responsible for providing customer service, that is a transferable skill that can be relevant to a sales role.
2. Create a Skill Section
After identifying the best skills to put on resume create a dedicated section for skills and write down all the skills in Bullet format. Keep in mind that the list must not be more than 4 points. . It will help you to pass ATS and make it easier for employees to Grab attention on you.
3. Make to separate sections for skills
For More clean and attention-grabbing of your hiding manager you should mention your hard skill and soft skill separately in your skill section of resume.
Tips to keep in mind
- Arrange your skill based on the importance for the role. The more important skills should be at top, followed by next skill.
- It is okay to not have a lot of skills to put on resume. But you can list both hard and soft skills in a single section.
- Don’t lie or exaggerate. If you not have any of the required skill for the role or you are not experience just be honest. Otherwise after selection your professional reputation will bear the consequences.
FAQs on Skills to Put on Resume
What are the most important skills to put on resume?
The skills to put on resume is hard skills and soft skill. Hard skills include technical skills, software proficiency, certificate while soft skill includes communication, team work, problem solving skills, leadership.
How do I know with skills to put on resume?
You should carefully read the job description and identify key skill mentioned on it. Write down the skills that match your qualification and experience. Afterwards focus on Transferable skills if you are switching industries.
What is the difference between hard skill and soft skill?
Hard skill are specific, technical abilities learn through training for example coding, accounting, graphic designing. While soft skill is a personal traits and interpersonal skills example communication, leadership, problem solveing.
How many skills should I list on my resume?
It is advisable to list not more than 5 to 10 key skills. You can choose a mix of hard and soft skills relevant to the job. Avoid to include to many skills.
Can I include skills that I am still learning?
Yes if you have a basic proficiency and actively working to improve you can include that skill.