IBPS RRB handwritten declaration for IBPS RRB 2024 exam has to be written in candidates and writing and the text should be written in English language only. Read the article to know more about handwritten declarations in detail.

IBPS RRB Handwritten Declaration
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released IBPS RRB 2024 application form with a huge number of vacancy for the post of PO and clerk post. Candidate needs to upload the IBPS RRB handwritten declaration while filling the application form. As the IBPS RRB application form has been released from 7 June candidate our eager to fill out the IBPS RRB application form. The hand written declaration must be uploaded with the valid and correct details that is provided in the application form.
IBPS RRB hand written declaration must be written carefully without any mistakes by the candidate’s handwriting in a white paper with black ink. The graduate candidate needs to write the handwritten declaration in the English language only. Candidate can go for the IBPS RRB and written declaration as per specified format in this article.
IBPS RRB Handwritten Declaration 2024
As per the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection, the IBPS RRB handwritten declaration has to be written in the candidate’s handwriting. The IBPS RRB handwritten declaration will be only accepted in English language. The declaration should NOT BE IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Candidates should remember that IBPS RRB handwritten declaration must be written carefully and precisely without mistakes and match the details mentioned in IBPS RRB application form. If the IBPS RRB handwritten declaration is found different from the application form it will be considered invalid and cancelled.
IBPS RRB Handwritten Declaration Format
Applicants need to start by filling out the IBPS RRB 2024 application form, then they need to write a handwritten declaration in their own handwriting which has to be uploaded along with the application form. A handwritten declaration’s file size is 50 to 100 KB and its dimensions of 800 x 400 pixels.
“I, (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true, and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”
Candidate can write the IBPS RRB handwritten declaration as it is written in above in English only. Also the declaration must not be in capital letter otherwise it will be considered invalid.
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IBPS RRB Hand Written Declaration 2024: Size, Dimension and Specification
Before submitting the IBPS RRB hand written declaration candidate must know the handwritten declaration size, dimension etc.
- Candidate must write the declaration in English only on clearly on white paper with black ink.
- The file type must be JPG/JPEG.
- Dimension of handwritten declaration is 800 x 400 pixels in 200 DPI. i.e. 10cm * 5 cm (width * height)
- The file should be uploaded in 50 KB to 100 KB.
- Applicants must not use capital letters while writing the handwritten declaration for IBPS RRB exam.
- The text should be written in only English language.
- The candidate who is applying for the post should write the IBPS RRB hand written declaration 2024 and their own handwriting.
- The declaration must be neatly and legibly written.
- Candidate must write the handwritten declaration in very precise form.
- Upload the IBPS RRB hand written declaration along with the photograph, signature and left thumb impression.
FAQs on Handwritten Declaration for IBPS RRB
How to write hand written declaration for IBPS RRB 2024?
The format is “I, (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true, and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”
What are the important points to write IBPS RRB handwritten declaration?
The important points are:
Candidate must write the declaration in white page with black ink in a neat and clean manner.
The declaration must be precise and written only in the English language.
The declaration is not accepted in capital letters.
Can I write and IBPS RRB hand written declaration is with blue pen?
No the handwritten declaration is only accepted which is written by Black pen only.