Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission is releasing soon the JSSC CGL Admit Card 2023 on the official website at jssc.nic.in. JSSC going to conduct the written exam on 16th and 17th December 2023. Candidates can check the exam pattern here.
JSSC CGL Admit Card 2023
The Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission is going to release the JSSC CGL Admit Card 2023 in first week of November on the official website. Candidate who have applied for the Jharkhand general Graduate Level combined competitive Graduate Level Examination (JGGLCCE) 2023 for the post of Assistant Branch Officer, Junior Secretariat Assistant, Block Supply Officer, Planning Assistant can download their admit card. As the exam date for JGGLCCE is already declared so candidates are required to prepare for the examination.
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As per the JSSC notification. Candidates who fill out the application form between 20 June 2023 to 19 July 2023 can download their admit card in the first week of November. The JGGLCCE examination is conducted on the 16th and 17th of December 2023 by Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission. Candidate can download their respective admit cards through the official website of JSSC at www.jssc.nic.in. A total of 2017 vacancies are recruit for this vacancy. Candidate are advise to bring their admit card along with a government-based photo ID on the day of the examination.

Jharkhand JSSC Written Examination Date 2023
Name of Organization | Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) |
Name of Post | Assistant Branch Officer, Junior Secretariat Assistant, Block Supply Officer, & Planning Assistant |
Number of Vacancy | 2017 post |
Category | Admit card |
Admit card status | To be Release |
Type of job | Government job |
Mode of admit card available | online |
Date of Admit Card Release | 1st week of December 2023 |
Written Exam date | 16 and 17 December 2023 |
Selection process | Written exam (paper 1,2&3) Document verification |
Official Website | www.jssc.nic.in |
JSSC CGL Admit Card 2023 Download Link
According to the official notification of the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission, the admit card will be release on 1 week of November 2023. To download the admit card you need to provide your registration number and date of birth in the official website. So we will provide you the direct link to download the admit card after releasing the admit card.
JSSC CGL Admit Card 2023 – DOWNLOAD
How to download JSSC CGL Admit Card 2023
- To download the admit card firstly visit the official website of JSSC at www.jssc.nic.in.
- Then Find the important link section in the homepage
- Click on admit card
- Afterwards, A new page will appear on the screen as ‘Admit Card link for JGGLCCE-2023’
- Afterwards, you are required to enter your registration number/application number and your date of birth/password to log in. Also, make sure to enter the correct details.
- After entering the require details, click the submit or download button.
- Lastly. Your admit card will be display on the screen.
- Finally once the admit card is displayed, carefully review all the information on it. Including your name photograph exam date time and when you. If all the details are correct, proceed to print the admit card.
- Additionally It is advisable to print multiple copies for your future reference.
Document Required For JSSC CGL Admit Card 2023
A valid photo identification document is mandatory to verify your identity. You can carry any of the following:
- Aadhar Card
- Passport
- Voter ID
- Driving License
- PAN Card
Details mentioned on JSSC CGL Admit Card 2023
Before downloading the JSSC CGL admit card candidate must check that all the details provided in the admit card is correct. To avoid the unnecessary interruption in the examination.
- Registration number
- Name of candidate
- Date of birth
- Examination centre and code
- Candidate photograph
- Candidates signature
- Reporting time
- Exam date and timing
- Duration of exam
- Address of candidate
- Important instruction
- Contact details
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Jharkhand JSSC CGL 2023 Exam Pattern
- The JSSC CGL written exam consist of paper 1, Paper 2 and paper 3.
- In paper 1 the included language paper which are Hindi language, and English language.
- All questions are objective multiple choice type questions.
- Are based on unseen passage and grammar.
- Each correct answers will be provided 3 marks.
- The paper one is qualifying in nature.
- Candidate needs to bring 30% marks for qualifying in paper 1.
Subject | Number of questions | Marks | Duration |
Hindi language | 60 | 180 | |
English language | 60 | 180 | |
Total | 120 | 360 | 2 hours |
FAQ on JSSC CGL Admit Card 2023
What is JSSC CGL admit card 2023?
The Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission admit card 2023 is a document that candidate must download and carry to the examination centre as a proof to appear for the examination.
How can I download Jharkhand JSSC CGL admit card?
To download the admit card visit the official website of JSSC at www.jssc.nic.in. You need to provide registration number and date of birth to login and download the admit card.
When will the Jharkhand JSSC CGL admit card 2023 will be available to download?
According to the official notification the admit card will be available in the first week of November 2023.
What details are mentioned on Jharkhand JSSC CGL admit card 2023?
The admit card of Jharkhand SSC contains details such as your name, photograph, exam date, time venue, roll number, and instruction for exam day.
Can I make changes to the JSSC CGL Admit Card after downloading it?
No you cannot make changes to the admit card after downloading it. Before downloading the admit card ensure that all the details provided by you is correct. If you find any error then contact to the exam authority immediately for the correction.
What should I do if I forget my registration number to download the admit card?
If you forget your registration number, there is option on your admit card download page to retrieve it. You need to provide your name, date of birth, and other details to retrieve your registration number.