The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has released the NABARD Grade A Admit Card 2023. The Prelims exam of NABARD going to be conducted on 16 October 2023.
NABARD Grade A Admit Card 2023
Good news for all candidate who is waiting for Nabard grade A admit card 2023. The National Bank of Agriculture and Ruler Development is released the NABARD Grade A admit card 2023 on the official website on 9 Oct 2023. The candidate who submitted the application form for the NABARD Grade A recruitment. Between 2 September 2023 to 23rd September 2023 can download their admit card. Candidate who fail to bring their admit card will not be permit to enter the examination hall.
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The National Bank of Agriculture and Ruler Development is going to publish NABARD Grade A Admit Card 2023 on the official website at Those individual who have registered for the NABARD recruitment can obtain their admit card from 9 October 2023. By entering their application number and date of birth through the official website. This is to inform you that the NABARD prelims examination is going to be conduct on 16 October 2023. It aim to recruit Grade A assistant manager (RDBS, Rajbhasha,P&SS) under Nabard. Candidate are advise to bring their admit card along with government-based photo ID on the day of the examination.

NABARD Grade A Prelims Exam Date 2023
Name of Organization | National Bank of Agriculture and Ruler Development (NABARD) |
Name of Post | Grade A assistant manager (RDBS, Rajbhasha,P&SS) |
Number of Vacancy | 150 post |
Category | Admit card |
Admit card status | Released |
Admit Card Release Date | 9 October 2023 |
Type of job | Bank Job |
Mode of admit card available | online |
Date of Admit Card Release | To be announced |
Mains Exam date | 16 October 2023 |
Selection process | Prelims Mains Interview |
Official Website | |
NABARD Grade A Prelims Admit Card Download Link
Candidate who have submit the NABARD recruitment 2023 application form can download their admit card from the official website. The download link will be available soon. Candidate can download their admit card from 9 October 2023 before the examination date. The direct link to download is given below.
Nabard Grade A Admit Card – DOWNLOAD
How to Download Nabard Grade A Admit Card 2023
- Firstly Go to the official website of the NABARD. The official website URL is
- Secondly, Look for the “Careers” section on the NABARD website. This is where you’ll find information related to recruitment, including the admit card download.
- In the “Careers” section, search for the link to download the admit card for the Nabard grade A recruitment 2023.
- Click on the link to access the admit card download page.
- Afterwards, You are required to enter your registration number/application number and your date of birth/password to log in. Also Make sure to enter the correct details.
- After entering the required details, click the “Submit” or “Download” button.
- Lastly, Your Admit Card will be displayed on the screen.
- Finally, Once the admit card is displayed, carefully review all the information on it, including your name, photograph, exam date, time, and venue. If all details are correct, proceed to print the admit card. It’s advisable to print multiple copies for future reference.
Document Required for Nabard Grade A Admit Card 2023
A valid photo identification document is mandatory to verify your identity. You can carry any of the following:
- Aadhar Card
- Passport
- Voter ID
- Driving License
- PAN Card
Details mentioned on Nabard Grade A Admit Card 2023
Some of the most important details are given below which is mentioned on admit card. So all candidate must check the details to avoid unnecessary problem during the examination.
- Registration number
- Name of candidate
- Date of birth
- Examination centre and code
- Candidate photograph
- Candidates signature
- Reporting time
- Exam date and timing
- Duration of exam
- Address of candidate
- Important instruction
- Contact details
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Nabard Grade A 2023 Prelims Exam Pattern
- The Prelims exam test consist of reasoning, english language, computer knowledge, quantitative aptitude, and decision making sections. This section is qualifying in nature.
- The general awareness, Eco & Soc. Issues and Agriculture & Ruler Development with emphasis on ruler India are merits sections.
- The exam duration is 120 minutes.
- Both Hindi and English language questions are asked.
Subject | Number of questions | Marks | Time |
Reasoning | 20 | 20 | |
English language | 30 | 30 | |
Computer knowledge | 20 | 20 | |
Quantitative aptitude | 20 | 20 | |
Decision making | 10 | 10 | |
General awareness | 20 | 20 | |
Eco & Soc. Issues | 40 | 40 | |
Agriculture & Ruler Development with emphasis on ruler India | 40 | 40 | |
Total | 200 | 200 | 120 minutes |
FAQ On Nabard Grade A Admit Card 2023
What is NABARD Prelims admit card 2023?
The Nabard admit card 2023 is a document that candidates must download and carry to the examination centre as a proof of terror visibility to appear for the examination.
How can I download the NABARD grade A admit card 2023?
To download the admit card visit the official website of NABARD at Provide the registration number and date of birth to login and download the admit card.
When will the NABARD 2023 Prelims admit card will be available for download?
As the examination date for NABARD prelims is declared to be held on 16 October 2023. So the admit card is release on 9 October very soon.
What details are mention on the NABARD grade A prelims admit card 2023?
The admit card contains details such as your name photograph, exam date, time, venue, Roll number and instruction for the exam day.
Can I make changes to the NABARD admit card after downloading it?
No you cannot make changes to the admit card after downloading it. Ensure that all the information on the admit card is correct when you download it. If you find any error contact the exam authority immediately for correction.
What should I do if I forget my registration number to download the admit card?
If you forget your registration number, there is usually and option on the admit card download page to retrieve it. You need to provide your name, date of birth, and other details to retrive your registration number