Admit card for the National Means cum Merit Scholarship examination is released on the official website. Candidate can download their UP NMMS Scholarship Admit Card 2023 from 27 October 2023. Candidates can check the complete details of the examination here.
UP NMMS Scholarship Admit Card 2023 Out
The National Means cum Merit Scholarship examination is released the UP NMMS Scholarship Admit Card 2023. The candidate who applied for the Uttar Pradesh NMMS scholarship between 23rd August 2023 to 18 September 2023 can download their admit cards. The admit card is only available through online mode in the official website. Candidates of class 8 who have secured a minimum of 55% marks in class 7th can download the admit card.
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The admit card is released through the National Means cum Merit Scholarship on the official website. The examination for NMMS scholarship is going to be conducted on 5 November 2023. Candidates who submitted the application of NMMS for the Uttar Pradesh state can download the admit card. The admit card is now available to download on the official website at The candidate who qualifies the scholarship examination is eligible to avail Rs. 12000/- per year. So all candidate must speed up their preparation as the official admit card is release.
Uttar Pradesh NMMS Exam Date 2023
Name of Organization | National Means cum Merit Scholarship (NMMS) |
Exam Name | UP NMMS Examination 2023 |
Academic session | 2024 – 2025 |
Category | Admit card |
Admit card status | Released |
Admit card release date | 27 October 2023 |
Mode of admit card available | online |
Written Exam date | 5 November 2023 |
Selection process | MAT, SAT |
Official Website | |
UP NMMS Scholarship Admit Card 2023 Download Link
The admit card is now available to download on the official website of NMMS scholarship. Candidate can download the admit card through the official website at To download the admit card candidate enter the registration number and password, then click on submit. The admit card will be available to download on the screen. The direct link to download the admit card is mention below.
NMMS Scholarship Admit Card 2023 – DOWNLOAD
How To Download NMMS Scholarship Admit Card 2023
To download the National Means cum Merit Scholarship (NMMS) Admit Card, you can follow these steps:
- Firstly Go to the official website of the NMMS. The official website URL is
- Secondly On the homepage find the “NMMS scholarship Hall Ticket Download” Click on it.
- Afterwards On the admit card download page, you need to enter certain details to access your admit card. These details include your registration number, date of birth, or other information. Provide the requested information accurately.
- After entering the required information, click on the “Submit” or “Download Admit Card” button.
- Your Admit Card should now be display on the screen. So You can view and check all the details on your admit card.
- Finally To ensure you have a physical copy for the examination, it’s advisable to print your admit card. Use the “Print” or “Download” button on the page to generate a hard copy.
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NMMS Exam Pattern 2023 For MAT
Subject | Number of questions |
Mental ability | 45 |
English proficiency | 20 |
Hindi proficiency | 25 |
Total | 90 |
NMMS Exam Pattern 2023 For SAT
Subject | Number of questions |
Science | 35 |
Social Study | 35 |
Mathematics | 20 |
Total | 90 |
FAQs on National Means cum Merit Scholarship admit card 2023
What is UP NMMS, and what is the purpose of the scholarship?
UP NMMS stands for Uttar Pradesh National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship. It is a centrally sponsore scholarship program to support meritorious students from economically disadvantag backgrounds. The scholarship aims to reduce the dropout rate at the secondary level by providing financial assistance to deserving students
When will the UP NMMS scholarship admit card for 2023 be available?
The NMMS scholarship for Uttar Pradesh admit card is now available to download on the official website. The examination for 2023 will be conduct on 5 November 2023.
How can I download the UP NMMS scholarship admit card for 2023?
To download the UP NMMS scholarship admit card for 2023, visit the official website of the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) in Uttar Pradesh. Look for the “NMMS Admit Card” or similar link, enter the required details and download the admit card.
What information is includes on the UP NMMS scholarship admit card?
The admit card contains essential information such as the student’s name, roll number, exam center details, date and time of the examination, and important instructions for the exam.
What should I do if I found an issue with my UP NMMS scholarship admit card?
f you found any issues with your admit card, such as incorrect information or a missing admit card, you should immediately contact the authorities responsible for conducting the NMMS examination in Uttar Pradesh.
Can I appear for the UP NMMS scholarship examination without the admit card?
No, the admit card is a mandatory document for appearing in the UP NMMS scholarship examination. Students must carry a printed copy of their admit card to the exam center.